Case Study


DocApp is a user-friendly medicine marketplace and remote doctor consultancy app that offers hassle-free healthcare services. Users can order medicines online, book virtual appointments with renowned doctors, and access their health records from the comfort of their homes. With DocApp, healthcare is just a click away!

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Compound Annual Growth
Expected Sales
Transaction Increase​


Doc App is an online doctor appointment and healthcare app aiming to provide convenient access to healthcare services. The case study analyzes the app\’s growth potential with a compound annual growth rate of 40%. Strategies will be proposed to achieve the expected sales growth of 20% and target a 20% increase in customer acquisition. The study aims to provide valuable recommendations for the app\’s success in the competitive online healthcare market.


Problem Statement

Urban professionals struggle to maintain work-life balance due to job demands, resulting in stress, burnout, and negative impacts on health, productivity, and personal well-being. Finding a holistic solution that supports work-life balance, provides resources for stress management, and encourages a culture of wellness is essential for improving the lives of urban professionals and the bottom line for companies.


  1. Promote work-life balance culture.
  2. Improve health and wellness through stress management and healthy lifestyle.
  3. Increase productivity by improving job satisfaction and motivation.
  4. Reduce absenteeism and turnover.
  5. Improve the bottom line through increased productivity, reduced healthcare costs, and improved retention rates.


User Research: The first step in the design process is to conduct user research. This involves identifying the target audience for the app and understanding their needs, pain points, and preferences when it comes to healthcare services. The goal is to gain insights that can inform the design of the app and ensure that it meets the needs of its users.

Ideation & Concept Development: Based on the insights gained from user research, the design team can begin to ideate and develop concepts for the app. This involves brainstorming ideas, sketching out rough designs, and creating wireframes that outline the basic structure and functionality of the app.

Visual Design:

Once the basic structure and functionality of the app have been defined, the design team can move on to visual design. This involves creating a visual style guide that outlines the app\’s color scheme, typography, and overall aesthetic. The goal is to create a visually appealing and engaging app that is easy to navigate.
Prototyping & Testing: With the visual design in place, the design team can begin prototyping the app. This involves creating interactive prototypes that simulate the app\’s functionality and allow users to test and provide feedback on the design. The goal is to identify any usability issues or design flaws and make necessary changes.
Development: Once the design has been finalized, the development team can begin building the app. This involves coding the app\’s features and functionality, integrating third-party services (such as payment gateways and telemedicine platforms), and conducting rigorous testing to ensure that the app is stable and bug-free.



User Research

User Interview
Competitive Analysis


User Personas

Empathy Map
User Journey


User Flow

Information Architecture



Hi-Fi Designs



Future Concept


DocApp targets individuals who require convenient and accessible healthcare services, such as busy professionals, elderly individuals, people with chronic illnesses, tech-savvy individuals, and rural or remote communities.Rural or remote communities may have limited access to healthcare services due to geographical barriers.
DocApp offers a solution by providing remote doctor consultancy services and online medicine ordering, allowing them to access healthcare services from anywhere with an internet connection.


DocApp competes in the growing telemedicine industry, facing competition from apps such as Teladoc, Amwell, and MDLIVE. However, DocApp stands out due to its user-friendly interface, quick appointment booking process, comprehensive services, affordable pricing, and remote doctor consultancy feature. These advantages make DocApp a strong competitor in the market.



  1. Comparative Analysis: Conduct a comparative analysis of DocApp with other healthcare apps in the market to identify areas for improvement and differentiation.
  2. Behavioral Analysis: Conduct a behavioral analysis of users on DocApp to understand how they interact with the app, their preferences, and their pain points.
  3. Voice of Customer (VOC) Analysis: Analyze customer feedback on DocApp to identify common issues, concerns, and suggestions for improvement.
  4. Ethnographic Research: Conduct ethnographic research to gain a deeper understanding of the target audience\’s daily lives, routines, and healthcare habits.
  5. Accessibility Research: Conduct accessibility research to ensure that DocApp is inclusive and accessible to users with disabilities or special needs.
  6. Cultural Research: Conduct cultural research to identify cultural factors that may impact the use of remote doctor consultancy services and medicine ordering in different regions or demographics.
  • These research opportunities can provide valuable insights into the user experience and usage patterns of DocApp, helping to improve the app\’s design and functionality, and ultimately improving the quality of healthcare services for its users.



Time-consuming Traditional

Inconvenient and time-consuming traditional doctor consultations, particularly for busy professionals and those in rural or remote areas.
Limited access to healthcare services for individuals in rural or remote areas with limited medical facilities.

Long wait times

Long wait times for doctor consultations, particularly for non-emergency cases.

High Cost

High healthcare costs for patients, particularly those without insurance or with high deductibles.
Difficulty in finding specialized doctors or specialists for specific health concerns.




Marketing Manager

  • University of Calgary
  • 35 years
  • Calgary, Alberta


Sarah, a busy professional with a history of migraines, experiences sudden headaches at work but finds it hard to take time off to see a doctor. Traditional consultations are inconvenient, so she prefers tech-savvy solutions like mobile apps.

Pain points

1. Limited time to visit doctors due to work commitments.

2. Inconvenient and time-consuming traditional doctor consultations.

3. Difficulty in finding specialized doctors for her health concerns.

4. Inability to manage her migraines effectively.


1. Uses her mobile phone frequently throughout the day.

2. Prefers quick and easy solutions to her problems.

3.Prioritizes convenience and accessibility when it comes to healthcare services.


1. To manage her migraines effectively and conveniently.

2. To avoid taking time off work for doctor consultations.

3. To have access to specialized doctors for her health concerns.

Journey Map

Persona: Sarah

Goal:To manage her migraines effectively and conveniently. To avoid taking time off work for doctor consultations. To have access to specialized doctors for her health concerns.









Color Palette






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