10 Essential Steps in Website Redesign Checklist to Convert Leads

As a website designer or developer, you\’re in charge of creating a user experience that will engage users and convert them into customers. The first step is to analyze the competition. Look at what they\’ve done well and what they haven\’t done well. Then determine your goals: why do you want visitors on your site in the first place? What kind of audience are you trying to attract? In this article we\’re going to discuss about 10 essential steps in website redesign checklist to convert your visitors to your customers!

Once you have an idea about who will be using your product (and why), then it\’s time to re-think everything about how your existing site looks and feels. Beginning with how content is mockup on the page down to the smallest detail like font size or color choice. In netro creative, we provide website redesign services crafted on experienced and creative designers.

Analyze the Competition

The first step in your website redesign checklist is to analyze the competition. This means taking a look at their websites and social media presence, their email marketing strategies, and their marketing budget.

By analyzing how they\’re doing things differently than you are with your own company, you can make sure that you\’re not wasting any time or money by following suit. If there\’s something that works well for them. If something doesn\’t work as well for them you\’ll be able to use this information when designing your site(s).

For example: A good way to determine whether or not someone will convert into a customer is by seeing what kind of content they find most valuable on other websites like yours (and why). If someone clicks through from another website where they found valuable information about travel destinations but then goes back onto yours without buying anything from it…that might indicate that maybe there isn\’t enough value added around those topics yet!

Define Your Goals in Terms of Audience and User Experience

The second step to a successful redesign is to determine the goals of your website. In order to do this, you need to define what your audience wants from their experience on the site and how they expect that experience to be delivered.

For example: \”We want our visitors who are new at coding or who have never tried any kind of web design software before but would love some tutorials.\” Or, \”Our users are more likely than others in our industry with more knowledge about HTML5 & CSS3 so we should focus more on these topics.\” This can help guide you in determining where exactly you should focus when planning out content for each page or area of the website (which we\’ll get into later).

Re-Imagine Your Existing Site to Create a Conversation with the Reader

The third step of website redesign checklist is to making your website conversion-ready is to re-imagine your existing site to create a conversation with the reader. This can be done in one of three ways:

  • Use a friendly tone and friendly voice, like you would in person or over the phone
  • Use conversational tones and conversations, like you might have on social media (e.g., Facebook comments) or in person when talking about something fun or funny. You may want to consider adding some humor into this section as well! If there are sections on your site that don’t fit into this category at all, try brainstorming ways they could work together instead of being separate entities altogether.

Create a Wireframe of the Interface

A wireframe is a visual representation of the website, which shows how it will look and function. It helps you visualize your website in its entirety, allowing you to make changes and see if they work. Wireframes are used by design teams when designing websites. But they can also be useful for any business owner who wants to understand how their site works. Or what visitors might be looking at on it. Wireframes have become more popular lately because they allow businesses to see exactly what their users are experiencing before building out the actual pages and features.

Revamp Content and Functionality

The next step of website redesign checklist is to revamp the content and functionality of your website. You should make sure that it’s easy to use, find what you need, and find what you want.

First, look at all of your pages in detail and identify any areas that could be improved upon:

  • Are there any buttons or links that don’t work?
  • Does this section have too much information or not enough? Do people need more clarification on something? Is there an opportunity for improvement here (maybe move it down)?
  • Do certain fields require input from users before they can submit their data. For example, if someone wants an item from a drop-down menu but doesn\’t know which category corresponds best with their request (e..g., “kitchen” vs “dining room”).

Invite In A Hackathon or Freelancer Community to Create Themes

Invite a hackathon or freelance community to create the themes. The best way to get started is to invite a designer, developer and copywriter with you at the beginning of your redesign project. You can also bring in user researchers, business analysts and business reviewers to test your project. Who will help with identifying pain points or opportunities for improvement in your website design process.

Finally, if there is someone who owns the company that uses your website as their main marketing channel. Whether it be social media manager or sales team they might be able to give valuable insight into how people interact with their brand online through social media channels like Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.

Conduct A User Research Session To Confirm Key Aspects Of The Design

  • Focus on the user. User research is an essential part of any redesign project, but it\’s especially important in this case. Because you\’re overhauling a website that serves as a critical business tool for your customers. It\’s crucial that you understand how they use the site and what their goals are. So ask them! You can do this by setting up an interview or survey with potential users.
  • Ask questions about their needs and concerns. If there\’s one thing every designer knows by heart, it\’s that there are always more ways to improve something. Than we could ever imagine trying out first hand (or even second). That\’s why conducting user research sessions should be top priority here. You want to get feedback on all aspects of your design so that you don\’t miss anything important during the process itself.

Design Development Phase – Prototype and Iterate (Time-boxed)

The design development phase is the time, where you will start to refine your initial concept and build a prototype of it. You can use this stage to test out different ideas, identify problems with the current design. Also iterate on your concepts until you get something that works for you.

A prototype is a mockup, a visual representation of an idea or product. That allows you to see how users interact with it in real life before building more detailed designs. This helps ensure that each new feature adds value for users. While not being confusing or overwhelming them with information overload.

Finalize Your Redesign Through A Release Meeting With Your Team And Business Reviewers

When you are finish with your website redesign checklist, it is time to meet with your team and business reviewers. A release meeting is the best way to get feedback from everyone attach to the industry in the project. It will help you make sure that everything is ready for launch. And everyone has an understanding of what exactly needs to be change next.

The release should include:

  • The business reviewers – they will review every aspect of the website design (including copywriting). They\’re also responsible for checking whether all content is up-to-date. If there are any expired links on pages where new content hasn\’t been added yet. This can help prevent SEO issues down the road!
  • The designers/developers, they\’ll work with developers who create software solutions like Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator etc. So that we can properly implement our changes as well as test them out ourselves before releasing them publicly online.*

The developers, they\’ll work with the designers to create a fully-functional prototype that can change the user experience.


In conclusion, we hope these website redesign checklist steps will help you to start with your own website redesign. Though, it\’s a time consuming long term process, but the more comfortable you feel with the ideas of your redesign, the better off you\’ll be in the long run!

Look no further than Netro Creative! Our team of UI design experts specializes in creating stunning and user-friendly websites that are optimized for search engines. With our website redesign services, we can help you revamp your website\’s look and feel, improve its functionality, and enhance its overall user experience. Our approach is always focused on your business goals and we work closely with you to ensure that your website redesign project is a success. Contact us today to learn more about our website redesign services and how we can help take your website to the next level!

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